• Snail Barrier For Fruit And Citrus Trees


    The Most Cost-Effective Solution To Control Slimy, Crop-Destroying Snails

Snail Barrier Controls and Stops Snails and Slugs From Climbing Fruit and Citrus Trees

#1 Organic Alternative For Snail and Slug Control In Fruit and Citrus Trees

95% Recycled Plastic

Made In USA/Excellent Carbon Footprint

Invented, designed and manufactured in California

No Copper(We do not support harmful copper mining practices)

100% Pesticide Free/Environmentally Friendly

Built in Portals for Spaghetti and Drip Irrigation

Will Not Girdle Tree Expands With Tree Growth

Lasts For Many Years (original Snail Barriers in orchard now for 9 years and counting…)

Why Snail Barriers?

Pick The Snail And Slug Barrier Size For Your Tree

(Orchard Prices Available On Request)

1” to 4.5”

PayPal Acceptance Mark

4.5” to 8.5”

PayPal Acceptance Mark

9” to 14”


What Our Customers Say

"Our family's been farming lemon trees for about 60 years and snails have always been one of our biggest problems. After watching Mr. Miller's trees go snail-free for the past five years, I'm ordering a Snail Jail for every one of our trees."

Mr. Josh Waters

4th Generation Lemon Tree Farmer/Silent Springs Farm, Moorpark CA